Sencha form ajax
Clientbuttons: [ { text: 'Submit', handler: function(button) { let form = button.up('form').getForm(); if(form.isValid()) { form.submit({ url: '/test', method: 'POST', waitMsg: 'Submitting your data...', success: function(form, action) { let response = Ext.decode(action.response.responseText); if( == 1) { // controller 함수..
2024.09.01 -
Sencha Form combobox
display와 value가 같을 경우 { xtype: 'combobox', itemId: 'twofa', fieldLabel: '2FA 여부', store: [ 'Y', 'N' ], displayField: 'field1', valueField: 'field1' },display와 value가 다를 경우 { xtype: 'combobox', itemId: 'twofa', fieldLabel: '2FA 여부', store: { data: [ { name: '예', value: 'Y' }, { name: '아니요', value: 'N' } ] }, displayField: 'name', valueField: 'value' },
2024.09.01 -
Sencha 'itemId' 다루기
해당 페이지에서만 의미 있는 IDAjax의 결과 Binding 하기생략 items: [ { xtype: 'textfield', itemId: 'id', fieldLabel: 'ID', name: 'id', allowBlank: false, readOnly: true }, { xtype: 'textfield', itemId: 'name', fieldLabel: 'Name', name: 'name', allowBlank: false, }, ],생략 onAfterRender: function(eOpts) { let me = this; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: '/test', method: 'POST', success..
2024.09.01 -
Sencha Ajax 호출
Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'your-server-endpoint-url', // The URL to which the request is sent method: 'GET', // The HTTP method to use for the request, e.g., 'GET', 'POST' params: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }, success: function(response, opts) { // This function is called when the request succeeds var responseText = response.responseText; con..
2024.09.01 -
Sencha requires
java의 import와 같은 것requires에 정의되어 있지 않으면, 해당 파일을 못찾음
2024.09.01 -
Sencha 팝업 호출
var popupWindow = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', { title: 'Setting Window', height: 500, width: 500, modal: true, layout: 'fit', items: [ { xtype: 'form', bodyPadding: 10, items: [ { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'ID', name: 'id', allowBlank: false, readOnly: true } ] } ], buttons: [ { text: 'Submit', handler: function() { var form = popupWindow.dow..