전체 글(832)
ERROR: unable to select packages
에러1.162 + apk add --no-cache 'openjdk17=17.0.10_p7-r0'1.167 fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.19/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz1.272 fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.19/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz1.652 ERROR: unable to select packages:1.654 openjdk17-17.0.13_p11-r0:1.654 breaks: world[openjdk17=17.0.10_p7-r0]원인openjdk17=17.0.10_p7-r0가 존재하지 않음조치https://pkgs.alpi..
2025.01.01 -
The StatefulSet "registry" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'ordinals', 'template', 'updateStrategy', 'persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy' and 'minReadySeconds' are forbidden
StatefulSets은 수정이 허락되지 않음지우고 새로 생성해야 함kubectl get statefulset -Akubectl delete statefulset/registry -n registry
2025.01.01 -
Warning FailedToRetrieveImagePullSecret pod/registry-0 Unable to retrieve some image pull secrets (registry); attempting to pull the image may not succeed.registry라는 secret이 없어서 오류 발생현재 registry가 인증정보를 사용하면 secret을 생성해야 하고, 인증정보를 사용하지 않으면, yml에서 아래 구문을 제거하면 됨 imagePullSecrets: - name: registry해당 pod를 delete 해야 함kubectl delete registry-0 -n registry
2024.12.31 -
Docker Volume Mount와 NFS Mount의 차이점 2024.12.31
Ubuntu rm: cannot remove '{디렉토리}': Is a directory
해당 디렉토리가 마운트되어 있는 경우# 확인mount | grep {디렉토리}# unmountsudo umount {디렉토리}# 디렉토리 삭제rm -rf {디렉토리}
2024.12.31 -
Ubuntu exportfs 명령어 옵션 2024.12.31