Spring Authorization Server(2)
Spring Authorization Server 테스트
https://traeper.tistory.com/223 OAuth 2.0 - Spring Authorization Server 프랙티스 Spring Authorization Server Practice Spring Authorization Server 프레임워크는 OAuth 2.0 중 Authorization Server 부분을 쉽게 구현할 수 있게 해준다. 우선 OAuth 2.0에 대해 간략히 살펴보자. OAuth 2.0 rfc6749 문서에 따르면 traeper.tistory.com
2024.03.14 -
Spring Authorization Server 설정
https://docs.spring.io/spring-authorization-server/reference/getting-started.html Getting Started :: Spring Authorization Server To get started, you need the minimum required components defined as a @Bean. When using the spring-boot-starter-oauth2-authorization-server dependency, define the following properties and Spring Boot will provide the necessary @Bean definitions for you: ap docs.spring...