Linux journalctl 옵션

2025. 2. 7. 22:35OS

Basic Usage

  • journalctl → Show all logs.
  • journalctl -f → Follow the log output in real time (like tail -f).
  • journalctl -n 50 → Show the last 50 log entries.
  • journalctl -r → Show logs in reverse order (newest first).
  • journalctl --no-pager → Display logs without paging.

Filtering by Time

  • journalctl --since "1 hour ago" → Show logs from the last hour.
  • journalctl --since "2025-02-07 12:00:00" → Show logs since a specific date/time.
  • journalctl --until "2025-02-07 18:00:00" → Show logs up to a specific date/time.
  • journalctl --since "yesterday" --until "today" → Show logs from yesterday.

Filtering by Unit or Process

  • journalctl -u nginx → Show logs for the nginx service.
  • journalctl -u nginx -n 50 → Show the last 50 logs for nginx.
  • journalctl -u nginx --since "1 hour ago" → Show logs for nginx from the last hour.
  • journalctl _PID=1234 → Show logs for a specific process ID.
  • journalctl _UID=1000 → Show logs for a specific user ID.

Filtering by Priority

  • journalctl -p 3 -b → Show only error messages (0=emerg, 1=alert, 2=crit, 3=err).
  • journalctl -p warning → Show logs of priority warning and above (warning, err, crit, etc.).

Filtering by Boot

  • journalctl -b → Show logs from the current boot.
  • journalctl -b -1 → Show logs from the previous boot.
  • journalctl --list-boots → List available boot sessions.

Exporting Logs

  • journalctl -o json → Output logs in JSON format.
  • journalctl -o verbose → Show detailed log information.
  • journalctl -o cat → Show logs without metadata.
  • journalctl > logs.txt → Save logs to a file.

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