Sencha Grid 405에러 415에러 처리

2024. 11. 26. 22:05Javascript/Sencha

405에러: Post방식으로 호출해야 하는데, Get방식으로 호출했기 때문에 발생

415에러: Media Type이 정의되지 않아서 발생

Ext.create('', {
    storeId: 'nodeStore', // Assign an ID for easy reference
    fields: ['DATA1', 'DATA3', 'DATA8', 'DATA2'], // Define fields
    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax', // Use Ajax to fetch data
        url: '/Node/', // Server endpoint to fetch data
        actionMethods: {
            read: 'POST' // Specify that the "read" operation (load) should use POST
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' // Set the Content-Type header
        reader: {
            type: 'json', // Data format returned by the server
            rootProperty: 'result' // Root property containing data array
        extraParams: {
            param1: 'value1', // Additional parameters to send in the request body
            param2: 'value2'
        writer: {
            type: 'json' // Serialize request parameters as JSON
    autoLoad: true // Automatically load data when the store is created